When it comes to logo designing, no font stands against Avenir, which made it everyone’s favorite typeface!
You may not know this before, but over 4000 million websites use Avenir and its family as their logo. And if you are here, then it probably means you are looking forward to using this magical font for your website as well, right?
Unfortunately, it isn’t a free font.
This means that if you want to use it for your website, you will need to buy its license first.
Avenir costs $35, which isn’t too expensive, but for new websites, it’s a lot.
Therefore, in such a case, using alternatives or fonts similar to Avenir is an excellent idea!
If you want fonts that can replace Avenir, then you’ve come to the right place. It would be difficult even for professionals to distinguish some of these fonts!
See More: Gilroy Similar Fonts and Alternatives
What Exactly Avenir Is?
Avenir is a geometric sans-serif typeface that was designed by the famous Swiss designer Adrian Frutiger in the year 1987.
The term “Avenir” means “future,” which is the reason this font is used by many famous modern brands. Furthermore, its designer, Frutiger, always mentioned Avenir as his masterpiece and the hardest typeface he ever worked on.
This hard work really paid off when Avenir started showing its magic after being released in the year 1998. People enjoyed using this font in their brand logos, headlines, headers, and text as well!
The best thing about this font is that it’s so clear and sharp, which makes it easy to read and use anywhere you want. Maybe that’s why, even after two decades, people haven’t forgotten about it and continue to use it for business!
Top 5 Fonts Like Avenir
Since now you know the true meaning of Avenir, it’s time to look for some of its best alternatives so that your website can get a kick start!
The following list contains fonts similar to Avenir:
1. Montserrat

Montserrat a font designed by Julieta Ulanovsky. You can consider Montserrat as the best replacement for Avenir!
The reason behind it is that both fonts are clean, geometric sans-serif fonts, and really easy to read. Montserrat’s letters are almost like Avenir’s, but the difference is that they are a bit narrower.
At first glance, it will be hard for anyone to find a difference.
But since it’s not completely similar, people may find differences after some observation. However, this shouldn’t stop you from using this authentic font since when used in web designs, it looks really great!
2. Prompt

Prompt is another outstanding font that should be used when you can’t afford Avenir. It’s because, just like Montserrat, Prompt is also a geometric font.
If you compare it with Avenir, then you will notice that both fonts match a lot of lowercase letters and some uppercase ones too.
But the difference here is that it’s a loopless Thai and sans Latin font.
Normally, prompt is used in magazines, posters, and newspapers. However, just like its meaning, Prompt is always ready to be used as an alternative to Avenir.
3. Nunito

This list can’t be completed without Nunito, since it doesn’t matter where you go, everyone will recommend you this font!
At first, Nunito used to be a round font. Many people doubted that this font could be a replacement for Avenir. However, later, Jacques Le Bailly solved this problem by modifying Nunito and making it straighter than before.
The newer version of Nunito looks just like Avenir and works like a perfect replacement! However, this doesn’t mean the older version was bad, since when used in smaller text it looks so beautiful.
4. Lato

Another excellent alternative to Avenir that is offered by Google Fonts is Lato.
Although just like Nunito, it’s also a little rounded, it still works as a great replacement! Millions of websites use this font, and so should you.
Additionally, the two fonts share the same amount of space between their letters, making them good alternatives for each other.
5. Normal

Just like its name, the font Normal looks so pure, and it’s another geometric san-serif to the list. Having straight corners and edges makes it the right fit to be an Avenir replacement.
The only difference between both fonts is their weight.
Lastly, it’s used in headlines, logos, and branding materials, and Avenir is already good for such purposes. This means you won’t regret using Normal!
Google Fonts That Are Similar To Avenir
The best thing about using Google Fonts is that they are literally free for commercial use! This means you don’t need to pay to use any of their fonts at all.
If you are looking for such types of fonts, then here are some of them:
- Prompt
- Muli
- Nunito
- Lato
Avenir Similar Fonts in Canva
- Montserrat
- Nunito
- Lato
- Prompt
These fonts are also availble in Canva. So you can use these avenir alternatives freely in Canva.
Canva simplifies and streamlines the design process. Furthermore, you can use it for free.

Avenir is an excellent and beautiful font, but not everyone can benefit from it since it’s not free.
However, don’t feel down about that since many other fonts like Montserrat, Nunito, and Lato can be the best alternatives to Avenir.
In some cases, they will look so natural that you won’t even notice any differences!